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Record-setting September fuels need to add Stage One Fire Restrictions in Routt County

Dylan Anderson

Local Meteorologist Mike Weissbluth says last week of September was hottest ever recorded

Stage One Fire Restrictions are in place in Routt County as of Wednesday morning, a move that comes after the Yampa Valley saw several high temperature records broken in September.  

Officials from across northwest Colorado meet weekly throughout the summer to assess fire risk and study a series of eight indicators to guide whether restrictions are needed. Routt County’s Emergency Operations Director David “Mo” DeMorat said the group had actually stopped meeting a few weeks ago.

But that group reconvened Monday as the U.S. Forest Service indicated it intended to put the Medicine Bow-Routt National forest into Stage One Fire restrictions. DeMorat said four of the eight indicators have been met, leading to the recommendation to put restrictions in place.

“All summer we have been pretty much right at three [factors met]. DeMorat said. “We have four of the conditions met.”

The last week of September was the hottest measured since record-keeping began in Steamboat Springs in 1893, according to local meteorologist Mike Weissbluth. In his weather narrative posted at on Sunday, Weissbluth said three of the last seven days of the month broke high temperature records, while two other day’s tied the record.

“The 10 days straddling the start of October between Sept. 26 and Oct. 5 averaged a high temperature of 81.9 degrees, which also broke the previous record of 79.3 set in 1897,” Weissbluth wrote, adding that the three hottest Septembers recorded were 1893, 1896 and 1897.

Commissioner Tim Corrigan said this was the latest in the year he could recall putting fire restrictions in place, adding that he believes this is an effect of climate change. DeMorat said he could not remember putting restrictions in place in October before.

Stage One Fire Restrictions prohibit activities like using a campfire, warming fire or charcoal grill unless you are in a designated campground, picnic area or developed recreational site.  Operating a chainsaw without a USDA or SAE approved spark arresting device is prohibited.

In a release from the city of Steamboat Springs announcing fire restrictions on Tuesday, Fire Chief Chuck Cerasoli said there may be a need to step up to Stage Two Restrictions in the near future.

“Conditions continue to change daily, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see additional restrictions if the current trend continues,” Cerasoli said. “As we’ve seen, one spark can get out of hand and grow quickly which is something no one wants to see.”

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